3 Tips For Eliminating The Quiver If Your Voice Shakes When You Are Nervous

3 Tips For Eliminating The Quiver If Your Voice Shakes When You Are Nervous
When addressing an audience, there is nothing more embarrassing than opening your mouth to speak and the voice that comes out is high in pitch and shaking to boot! The shaking is known as a quiver and it can happen even when you’re not nervous.

If your voice is quivering when you’re nervous, rest assured that you are not alone. It happens to a lot of people and it is the result of poor voice placement exacerbated by your nervousness.

A voice that quivers is caused by undue pressure on the vocal folds (cords) and, as I mentioned earlier, it may be more noticeable when you are nervous but this not always the case. Some people have a quiver in normal speech; and, it is especially common in the elderly voice.

There is hope and help to eliminate this problem.

You don’t have to live with a voice that quivers. Once you let your ‘chest do your talking,’ not only will you eliminate the quiver but you will discover a richer, warmer, more mature-sounding voice that you will actually enjoy hearing on your answering machine!

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