Why Is Scanalert Integration Important For Your Shopping Cart?

Why Is Scanalert Integration Important For Your Shopping Cart?
When it comes to online shopping, security ? 100% security ? is not a luxury. It is the bare essentials. No website can ever hope to get a single customer if they do not go the extra mile to ensure 100% security, and then some. And when it comes to hacker free, secure online transactions, nothing can beat ScanAlert.

ScanAlert is the largest website security certification company in the world today. It protects more than 67,000 websites in a little over 30 countries. If that were not enough, McAfee ? another household name in the security business ? has announced that it will bundle ScanAlert into its suite of products. All this makes ScanAlert one of the most effective barriers against online hacking.


With online shoppers having more choices than they can handle, it is no longer enough if your web store is simply ?compliant?. You need to be absolutely hacker safe. That is where a premium service like ScanAlert helps. They not only sweep your website for potential security flaws, but also go on to provide you with a very valuable certification. After every sweep, they post a ?Hacker Safe? security logo on your web site, which goes a long way to increasing the credibility of your store. A recent market survey showed very high user response to this logo. In the survey, of the shoppers who viewed the security logo, more than half went ahead and made the purchase ? a jump of 30% and above in revenues for the website carrying the logo!

According to Karen Smith, a website owner and entrepreneur, ?many of my customers felt uncomfortable giving out their credit card information. I knew I could increase my sales figures if I could just find a way to assure my clients that they were indeed 100% safe on my website.? Today, Karen pays $149 a month to get ScanAlert perform periodic security on her website.

While independent services are good, they are not financially viable in many cases. That is why it is more advisable to choose a shopping cart service that contains ScanAlert integration software. Through this, the customer gains access to ScanAlert?s Vulnerability management service. This schedules automatic quarterly vulnerability scans and delivers detailed instructions that enable clients to patch all vulnerabilities.

Adding the ?Hacker Safe? security seal to your website will bring in an increase of 10-15% conversion or more because shoppers feel more confident when they see this trust mark. In this age of relentless identity theft and credit card leeching, the more secure your site, the greater your chances of success.

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