Information Products – Both Profitable And Affordable
When you stop to consider the many advantages of information products, it’s no wonder countless successful businesses have been built around them. These digital products offer numerous reasons as to why they are so popular not only sell but also to buy.
Due to their popularity and cost efficiency digital type products are widely recognized and utilized in the marketing strategy of many online businesses.
Let’s examine 4 compelling reasons why:
1) The Demand for Information
Stop and consider your own use of the internet and what it is you seek. Sports scores, cold remedies, stock quotes, news, shopping bargains, and the list goes on. Information by and large is generally the object of most searches on the internet. Our addiction for news and information in an increasingly fast moving society is undeniable and the ability of the internet to deliver it to us quickly is widely recognized.
Utilizing these channels for what they’ve already become know for, information, makes complete sense, and of course the information is delivered in a digital form.
2) Cost of Production
The production cost of a information product is minimal. A traditional ‘physical’ product uses materials, has to be mass produced, and requires storage space and this can be costly. Also all this cost is incurred BEFORE the first product is even sold! Additionally there’s no guarantee all products produced will be sold.
A digitally based information product is produced just once, can be stored on your server, and can be sent out an indefinite number of times at virtually little or no cost. These low production cost are conducive to much higher profit margins.
3) Cost of Delivery
Digital products are dispensed over the internet instantly to the customer at little or no cost to either the buyer or seller. Also, the ‘instant gratification needs’ prevalent in most of today’s customer are now being satisfied with the speed of delivery. Finally the shipping and handling costs normally affiliated with a ‘physical’ product have been completely deleted. This results in a welcome boost to the profit margins of these digitally produced products.
4) Pricing
Through the ability to minimize production costs while eliminating storage, shipping, and handling costs, digitally produced products can be priced at very affordable levels. This in turn will broaden the market for potential buyers.
With the price of everything else rising today, the low costs of digital products are a welcome relief to the consumer. Also welcomed are the higher than normal profit margins, as compared to physical products, that these type of products bring.
As you’ve seen, the advantages of using information products upon which to build many online businesses offer several significant advantages. The benefits enjoyed by both buyer and seller alike can’t be ignored and make it difficult to not place these type products under consideration for use in your online marketing strategy today.